Thursday, June 18, 2009

Coffesions of a cross-country runner to pole vaulter

Hi for the fifth time today,
Complete the sentence: Confessions of a ____________________.
Cross-country runner to a pole vaulter is my answer to the blank.
'Confessions of a cross-country runner to a pole vaulter'
Being a cross-country runner is fun and tough. Many will think hat you are very good in running and always show off because you are their friend. "Eh... You know arh, i have this friend very the pro leh. His running is like damn fast larh. I cool right, have this type of friend...." and the broken english and fanciful talk will go on. I always walk away when i come across these type of incidents.
Then, one fine day, my cross-country running became history. My coach told me that i would excel better in pole vault and transferred me there straight away without even asking for my opinion (he did ask, but all these white lies are supposed to make the story more attention grabbing. After all, it is a confession). I wonder why i have the ability to pole vault. It is extremely different from running. The gap between pole vault and the latter humongous. Pole vault is very technical, unlike running. Well, if you ask Usain Bolt, he will say that running is the most technical sport. You know, lifting your legs up at the right time, with the right effort, and the correct angle. All that sorts. But, i dont look so deeply into running. You can really say that the trainging required for running is tougher than pole vaulting, if you compare each session. However, during the hoidays, pole vault training is 6 times a week! That is so stressful. And then what about homework? My Mum and Dad keep complaining to me that it is too time wasting. Well it is time wasting to them but not me. after a whole morning of tired studies, pole vault is what i will look forward to. It is enjoyable! Howver, It is time-wasting in a sense that the training is held at Gombak Stadium and i live at Bedok. To travel there by MRT, it takes about 1 hour! It is like traveling round the world in a limited time! The school also have high expectations for us! Recently, the captain shawn, just brok the national record.
all in all, pole vault has its pros and cons.

Posting the last time in a while!
Cleon Wong 1A4 (07)

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