Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Music website!

I have found an 'online MP3' website that will allow you to listen to music continuously without stopping in the midst of completing your homework, like what we usually do in YouTube. So, this magnificant website is: www.imeem.com. You will firstly need to create an account in order to listen to the music of your favourite popstar. Not only can you listen to music, you can also search for videos, blogs and pictures of singers. You can also join a fan group. Leaving comments is also a brilliant way of speaking your mind. Many say that it is better to listen to your all-so-famous iPod Touch (Kah Win :P). But research shows that listening to MP3 very often will deprove your listening ability by 50%!! That is alot! So please do enjoy this website!
Cleon Wong 1A4 (07)

New Math!

Hi all,
Here is a video about 'NEW' math by Tom Lehrer. Enjoy!!! :D

Bye bye!
Do leave comments!
Cleon Wong 1A4 (07)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tips on Literature mentioned by Mrs Seet.

Good afternoon all,
Here are notes and tips given by Mrs Seet regarding Literature. This might be a little late but, better than nothing.
So... tip number 1: Always use different coloured highlighters to identify points that shows a particular theme, for example POVERTY. A different colour for every different theme. Tip number 2: Use Post-It pads. It might seem small and useless, but be aware of its 'powers" that it beholds. Take down notes or even doubts about the story that might be helpful in future when analysing the story. Tip number 3: Identify the plots and characters in the story. Looking out for different characters will in the end lead to something called 'CHARACTERISATION'.
That is all I have for today.
Do DIRTY your books.
Have a nice revision,
Cleon Wong 1A4 (07)


This is going to be a short yet serious matter. Spamming has been witnessed in the Cbox. The person 'disguised' himself/herself (most likely a boy) using the name 1a4 sucks. Please note that SPAMMING is definitely not welcome in this blog, or in fact any other blogs. So, if this matter carries on, I will report it to Ms Caroline Gordon immediately. Who knows, maybe she might already noted about this matter. Ther are rules and regulations of this blog, mind you.
Yours sincerely,
Cleon Wong 1A4 (07)

The upcoming tests, or should i say the ongoing tests...

Hi Hi again,
I know that this is not the right time to blog as multiple tough tests are awaiting all of us. However, please take note that 'all work no play makes Jack a dull boy'. So, blogging is one of the ways to relief one's stress and calm oneself down. But please do not get GLUED to the computer screen as if using the computer for hours can make you get straight A's. It is not possible. So please do enjoy yourself at the same time revise thoroughly for you test. :D
Thank you all and wish you the best of luck!:DD
Cleon Wong 1A4 (07)